This site is designed to provide links to highly informative physical education and physical activity resources from all over the world.
Every link that appears on the site is viewed prior to being listed to ensure that it contains high quality information pertaining to Physical Education teaching, health and wellness, coaching, etc. Any feedback that you may have is welcomed.
This site is designed to provide links to highly informative physical education and physical activity resources from all over the world.
Every link that appears on the site is viewed prior to being listed to ensure that it contains high quality information pertaining to Physical Education teaching, health and wellness, coaching, etc. Any feedback that you may have is welcomed.

David Chorney
Dr. David Chorney, is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, Department of Secondary Education at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Original founder of
His active research program focuses on teacher education and physical education; curriculum theorizing in physical education as well as technology integration within the field of physical education.
Prior to earning his M.Ed. and Ph.D. at the University of Alberta, David was a middle school and high school physical education teacher in LaRonge, Saskatchewan.
David maintains membership on numerous provincial, national and international committees such as HPEC (Health and Physical Education Council of Alberta), PHE Canada, and SHAPE America (formerly known as AAHPERD). David also presents sessions on a variety of topics related to PETE (physical education teacher education), technology integration and health & wellness at national and international conferences annually and has an extensive publication record in peer-reviewed journals across North American and abroad.
Connect With David
Website -
Twitter - @physedsource
Instagram - Dr.C_UofA
Email - [email protected]

Blue Jay Bridge
Blue Jay is a husband and father of 3 children. He lives in Winnipeg, Mb Canada where he has been teaching Physical Education for 14 years. Blue Jay has presented his use of technology to enhance the learning of his students at numerous city & provincial Phys Ed conferences and recently at the 2013 PHE Canada National Phys Ed Conference and the 2015 PHE Canada National Phys Ed Conference. Blue Jay was also a chair on the organizing committee of the 2013 PHE Canada National Phys Ed Conference.
His Phys Ed program was featured in the May 2012 Canadian Living magazine in an article titled, "Gym Class Heroes."
Blue Jay is a guest blogger for ParticipACTION and Tennis Canada, having written blogs on topics such as "Enhancing Physical Education with Technology", "Rain or Shine, An Active Summer Offers Fun and Health Benefits", and "Five Sports That Will Improve Your Tennis Game."
Connect With Blue Jay
Website -
Blog -
Twitter - @MrBridge204
Instagram - MrBridge204
Vine - MrBridge204
Pinterest - MrBridge204
LinkedIn - Blue Jay Bridge
Google+ - Mr. Bridge
YouTube - Mr. Bridge
Blue Jay is a husband and father of 3 children. He lives in Winnipeg, Mb Canada where he has been teaching Physical Education for 14 years. Blue Jay has presented his use of technology to enhance the learning of his students at numerous city & provincial Phys Ed conferences and recently at the 2013 PHE Canada National Phys Ed Conference and the 2015 PHE Canada National Phys Ed Conference. Blue Jay was also a chair on the organizing committee of the 2013 PHE Canada National Phys Ed Conference.
His Phys Ed program was featured in the May 2012 Canadian Living magazine in an article titled, "Gym Class Heroes."
Blue Jay is a guest blogger for ParticipACTION and Tennis Canada, having written blogs on topics such as "Enhancing Physical Education with Technology", "Rain or Shine, An Active Summer Offers Fun and Health Benefits", and "Five Sports That Will Improve Your Tennis Game."
Connect With Blue Jay
Website -
Blog -
Twitter - @MrBridge204
Instagram - MrBridge204
Vine - MrBridge204
Pinterest - MrBridge204
LinkedIn - Blue Jay Bridge
Google+ - Mr. Bridge
YouTube - Mr. Bridge